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Productive and Efficient people

People who are driven and focused, at times appear to be non-cooperative. But, they are so centered on their primary task that they cannot be called selfish. They are simply obsessed with activities that will help them achieve their goal(s). One would not fail to notice that these people have high levels of concentration and strong will to achieve their target(s).

I recently came across the concept of OHIO (Only Handle It Once). Productive people, do not procrastinate. They pick up a task once and finish it. And then that's it - it's done. This also resonates with the philosophy, "it's more important to choose than to choose right". Procrastination happens either because one is fearful and is not confident of completing the task or because one is a perfectionist and fears non-precision. Either way, it is fear that results in procrastination. 

Productive people practice selective perfectionism. Being a perfectionist is not necessarily a bad thing, but not everything requires perfectionism.

They are conscientious up to a point. For example when a first draft is to be written, they sit down and write it in one go and come back to it later to refine it. Trying to create a perfect first draft is not necessarily a smart thing.

A desire to do too many things is not only counter-productive but also foolish. A task is either important or urgent. (It may fall in a third category too-Something that we simply love to do). Productive people handle task when it is important and before it falls in the urgent category. These people know the order of the to-do list matters. Prioritizing and being focused helps here. 

Finally, productive people are smart. They have a sense of knowing when and how far to go in a thing?


  1. I wrote this long comment two times in a row and it disappeared both times! Feeling supper frustrated.

    Anyways, I will try to recollect my comment (again).

    This was a really well though-out piece of writing, but before I begin I would like to ask: What/Who inspired you to start this blog/write this post? Which brings another question to mind: Can you inspire yourself?

    I would love for you to write about how these productive and efficient people gather "concentration and strong will to achieve their targets"?

    I would have to say that I disagree with the statement that "fear results in procrastination". Though this might be true for some people to some extent, I feel that procrastination is a result of indolence which is a result of a weak will power. However, I speak for myself and from my experience.

    There were two ideas in this post which really stood out. One of which was selective perfectionism; this is something I have never heard of but it makes complete sense! It also seems very effective and thank-you for introducing it to me! Second of which was the "order of the to-do list matters". I completely agree and feel that some tasks are more important than others and hence they should be given more priority.

    Thumbs-up to you for the start of a new journey in your life:) I believe that this journey will be just as adventurous, just as exciting, and just as rewarding as our journey to Kausani! Continue blogging! You have truly inspired me to start my own blog:D

    (Hopefully this doesn't disappear)

  2. Dear Kriti,
    1.You just let your creative urges to take over. And are ready to be imperfect. And have a sense of worthiness.
    2.Yes! you can inspire yourself
    3.Everything comes with practice. For concentration, it is said, identify and remove the distractions and focus on the task at hand. It is simple but may not be easy. But you will improve with practice. Trust the power of small sustainable changes. Same is with will power. Exercising the will makes it stronger. Just like the body.
    4.I ask you to do something that you wanted to do or something that you have not been able to do till now, for whatever reasons. Try to accomplish something worthwhile everyday. That way you will grow.
    5. When we have too much to do at one time, we become discouraged. Try and tell yourself, "This hour is mine, I will do the best I can". Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each instant.
    All the best


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