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At the core, there is a simple problem and an equally simple solution

Last week, in his TED talk, Uri Alon, spoke about his journey as a research scholar. During his Ph.D, he felt hopelessly stuck when even after prolonged efforts, he was reaching nowhere. His experiments were simply not working. He calls this state as "cloud". Then he found that the intricate bio-chemical network inside our cells is made up of handful simple repeating interactive patterns.

And I recently read the following :

In his book, The Mind of God : Scientific basis for a rational world, Physicist Paul Davis, Ph.D, writes, "The laws are possessed of an elegant simplicity, and have often commended themselves to scientists on grounds of beauty alone. Yet these same simple laws... 

Similarly, Michio Kaku in Hyperspace writes, "Perhaps the most profound discovery of the past century in physics has been the realization that nature, at its most fundamental level, is simpler than anyone thought"

Timothy Ferris, a science writer for The New York Times, writes, "Experiment and Theory alike indicate that the universe began in a state of perfect simplicity, evidence of which was burned into the heart of every atom in the heat of the Big Bang at the beginning of time. The search for simplicity is bringing science face to face with the ancient enigma of creation"

"We don't really see the creator twiddling 20 knobs to set 20 parameters to create the universe as we know it. That's too many", says physicist Leon Lederman, author of The God Particle. "There is something simple underneath all this. Six quarks and six leptons, and their antiparticles, and their coming in different colors and different charges, is too complicated."

Physicist John Wheeler agrees: "To my mind, there must be at the bottom of it all, not an utterly simple equation but an utterly simple idea. When we finally discover it, it will be so compelling, so beautiful, that we will all say to each other, 'Oh, how could it have been otherwise?' "

I was pointed to a simple fact by Mr Kalra (my source of wisdom and inspiration), that at the core it is always a very simple problem, which has an equally simple solution. Dive deep, keep removing the layers, stay relaxed, have patience, tune yourself and listen; things will unfold and you can see the problem as well as it's solution.

Let us simplify our lives !
