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Understanding Hard Choices

Ruth Chang's TED talk is interesting.

Key Points

1. Making hard choices seems big, important and agonizing. It depends on how the alternatives(options) relate. We find that one is better in some way and other in another but neither is better overall.

2. Full information(clarity) can still keep the options hard.

3. It is a misconception that one is better than the other. There is no best option. It therefore makes sense to choose the less risky one.

4. These hard choices are at par(same kind-i.e., neither is better than the other but are not equal fact we cannot be very objective or numerical in evaluating them).

5. So...Be the author of your own life..decide what you ought to be (this will come intuitively) and use your power to create reasons for the choice that you should make(who am I to be)

6. Drifters-allow the world to write the stories of their life. They choose based on the easiness of the option to determine what to do. And the mechanism of reward and punishment work.

7. Hard choices are the precious opportunities for us to celebrate what is beautiful and distinctive about us. Hard choices are not a curse but are God sent.
