There is a Chinese proverb, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now!!"
Be it for pleasure or for personal growth, we all have a list of things that we want to do. The mere thought of doing these things excites us. But, in our fast paced lives we rarely can take out the time to do these things. Life continues to speed up, and we give up on our dreams. I have read of so many real life stories, wherein people in old age, regretted that when they were young, they did not listen to their hearts and did not do the things that they wanted to. They felt that they gave importance to the things that never really mattered.
This post is not about finding out what your heart wants, but about taking on things from your bucket list and achieving your goals (This website may help).
Apart from our wishes and desires, we must work towards our self-growth too. If you haven't started yet, then going by the Chinese proverb, the time is NOW!
Today, try and do something that you wanted to do or something that you have not been able to do till now, for whatever reasons. Try to accomplish something worthwhile everyday. That way you will grow.
Take on one thing at a time. When we have too much to do at one time, we become discouraged. Try and tell yourself, "This hour is mine, I will do the best I can". Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each instant.
What we need here is a resolve, some will power, time management, avoiding procrastination and being mindful.
Being in army gave me an opportunity to interact with many soldiers who saw death very closely. Ric Elias, who was on the plane that crashed into Hudson river in Jan 2009; in this TED talk (4 min 59 secs) shares what went through his mind as the plane went down. He learnt :
1.It changes in an instant-do what you want to do-don't postpone.
2.Be the best parent you can.
3.We waste time in things that do not matter with people who matter. He asks us to eliminate negative energy. He says, "I no longer try to be right. I choose to be happy".
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