I am grateful to Mr Kalra once more for pointing to a major flaw in my thought. In my post yesterday, I had categorized people as very good, average and not so good. However, that is an incorrect approach. I remember, having been told this earlier, but I guess, I lost it somewhere.
As per Mr Kalra, "The Moment one starts in a premise that only 20 % people are very Good, one disconnects with the audience". He refers to Dr Eli Goldratt's idea that, “People are Good”. As per Dr Golratt, at any given point in time, their ability to handle a situation or undertake work is governed by their Willingness(W) and Capability(C). The outcome is majorly governed by the Leadership style one adopts. The following matrix (ref : Dr Eli Goldratt) shows two things. That "people are good" and that "Reality is Simple". I now feel that with only these two belief's, one can be a good leader. This also supplements my earlier post.
With his permission, I am reproducing Mr Kalra's comment in original.
Case 1. When you are working with people who are willing (W) and Capable (C), just set the right tone, state your expectations, lay the mile stones and delegate the work. Hold periodic reviews to remove constraints (if any), appreciate the team, ensure that the progress is on track and we are moving in the right direction of solution (not necessarily the right solution, it is okay if we are in the right direction; do not interfere too much, have faith, have trust in your team; they will give you better that what you expected).
Case 2. While working with members who are unwilling but capable. Just participate. With successive successes and periodic appreciation, unwillingness will soon turn into willingness. Case 1.
Case 3. Working with willing members that lack capability is simple. Just Train, Coach & create learning opportunities. They will love you, including the success.
Case 4. With unwilling and incapable members (remember Good People) Tell and Sell your ideas. As a Leader, this is your biggest challenge. At most, less than 2 % people will present themselves in this manner. But, the rest of the 98 % are watching your leadership style in handling the situation. So, this is the real challenge and, in fact, a Simple one – Tell & Sell. Be with them, Listen, Observe Learn and participate. With the FIRST success story, they will begin to change. Be aware of the fact, that in such a group possibly no one in their lives has ever appreciated them for a very long time, or, no one has ever trusted them. They may have some constraint. Just remove the constraint. You will come out winner and a Good Leader not only for these 2 % BUT also for the rest of the 98 %.
I am happy to have learnt about Mr Goldratt today and would like to quote this wonderful thought from him, " I smile and start to count on my fingers: One, people are good. Two, every conflict can be removed. Three, every situation, no matter how complex it initially looks, is exceedingly simple. Four, every situation can be substantially improved; even the sky is not the limit. Five, every person can reach a full life. Six, there is always a win / win solution. Shall I continue to count?"
VKS on the onset i must admit that i am liking your writing style, thought process and the topics that you write on. I really liked your idea of 10:70:20 yesterday which looked very realistic and functional, but with Dr Goldratt's thoughts on (W) Willingness and (C) Capability and Mr Kalra's inputs how to channelize W &C gives it a new dimension and a very practical one. Keep sharing your wisdom and thoughts. God bless you.
ReplyDelete"People are Good" these three words show the attitude of the leader and his mindset in general.Just as a great dish is the result of right ingredients and right recipe, similarly achieving your goals as a leader is the result of right attitude.