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What is Consciousness?

I have been struggling with this question since last 15 years. I used to think it was awareness. Which is true but I am sure there is more to it.

I think consciousness is - " Your sense of being" - "Your identity as you know it". It is the sum total of who you think you are. All your experiences, knowledge and wisdom.

The above explanation links it to the "ego". And that is how we limit our consciousness. We draw boundaries, we consider ourselves as separate. We fail to see the inter-connected-ness. For example, the wave in the ocean may feel it is separate from other waves and/or the vast ocean. In reality - they are all the same. When a wave dies, it merges in the ocean. And then rises again as a new wave.

That is why wise people ask us to expand our consciousness. To realize that we are all one.

The following talks are helpful to develop the understanding and Paramhansa Yogananada has explained it beautifully in his works.

Consciousness -- the final frontier - to be Me -
My Stroke of Insight -
Unwavering Focus -
