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Answer First, Describe Later

This one is for the teenager's and young adults

When someone asks you a question,

1. Listen deeply and understand the question. Know what exactly is being asked.
2. Don't be in a hurry to answer. Let him finish. Think through your response. Use the time to create a structure in your mind.
3. Get to the good stuff ASAP. Preferably in the first sentence. And then support your answer with evidence and reasoning.
4. Be brief and to the point.
5. Use examples, stories to illustrate when required.

An Example:

Qn: What is your short-term professional goal?
An average answer is like: Well! I have been discussing this with my friends and mentor's and there are a number of things that I am passionate about. I have always been interested in the financial world but I also have a strong bias for technology. But, I think I'd like to become a successful wall street trader in 5 years from now.

A better one: I see myself as a Director in a top financial firm in 5 years. My target firm is Goldman Sachs. I want to do this because... I believe I will succeed in achieving my goal because of the following three reasons. First..Second..And Lastly..
