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The 3 things we all want

In her TED talk - my failed mission to find God - Anjali Kumar shares the 3 common things that we all seek; Health, Happiness and Love. 

This isn't something we don't know and yet these 3 simple things are usually out of our reach. 

In my view, these are not goals but a way of life; and with practice, we can experience fulfillment in life. So, what can we do?

1. For health - eat right, think right and exercise.
[Not feeling good about oneself will likely lower immunity and bring sickness.]

2. For Happiness - I am still figuring this out. Let's find out WHY we get unhappy.
It is when things don't go as EXPECTED. Aha! DESIRES are the root cause.
Maybe focusing on the action instead of the result is the key. Thinking about the outcome makes us worried and fearful. We can learn from kids who are happy without a reason. So how about reducing control, 'letting go' and loosening ourselves a bit.

Additional thoughts. Giving freely, practicing kindness, gratitude, empathy, compassion - will help. And taking complete responsibility for our actions and knowing that no one is to be blamed for the mess in our lives will help too. 

3.  For Love - You get what you give. Love others unconditionally.
