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Do these simple things to stay healthy

1. Body posture - Keep your back straight and chin up, at all times. If you do this, you will be healthier and be able to think better. A straight back ensures that life-force energy traveling through the spine flows freely and does not get blocked. A bent back squeezes the diaphragm and lungs do not expand fully, thereby 
2. Drink 10 glasses of water daily. Body and brain is about 70% water.
3. Sleep on your back for 7-8 hours. Avoid soft beds. Our body needs to be recharged and the brain cells realign during the sleep time. 
4. Expose the body to 10 minutes of early morning sunlight. Please do not think of an alternative for this. Vitamin supplements are not enough. 

After all, we need, food, water, air, and sunlight to stay alive. 

Good health is governed by three things:

1. Right food 
2. Exercise
3. Right thoughts

I will write a separate post to cover the above points.
