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Parenting : Part 2

In my earlier post, I had shared my basic thoughts on parenting. Mastering the basics and integrating them in our lives would take us beyond the 80% mark. But if one is hungry for more then the following may help. Again, connecting the dots will be up to you and don't bother if some dots remain unconnected after the figure is formed.

Me and my wife have this simple aim : Help Harsh (our son) become a good human being. Period.

The following will add up to fulfill this honorous task.

1. Health & Hygiene.
Food...He should have a good relationship with food. Saying a prayer before starting to eat is a wonderful thing. Encourage him to eat healthy, eat slow and to avoid overeating. However, occasional indulgence is absolutely fine to offset the pier influence. Again if we lead by example then the kid will not be confused. The point is do we have the common sense, discipline and self control that we demand from our children.

Exercise...Ask him to join you when you are exercising. I understand that it is difficult to match things in our fast paced lives, but a small beginning may help. Getting into a exercise regime is a very good thing. Adding things like 'suryanamaskar' will do wonders - it is easy to do, helps in even distribution of life force in the body and exposes us to the essential morning sun rays. We have simply forgotten the importance of sun in staying healthy. In cities we do not get sufficiently exposed to sun (watching sunrise is a far cry). That is why most of us are Vitamin D deficient and as a result calcium deficient.

Cleanliness...For boys staying dirty is cool. Many if not most do not have much sense of hygiene and grow up with habits that are hard for wives to change. Some tips - he should keep his stuff organized (can incentivize this), wash his hands whenever he comes home and before and after meals, brush his teeth at night etc etc..

I will be soon experimenting with making him hand wash some of his clothes. Lets see..

2. Moral conduct...I am a little serious about this aspect. Character building is one of our main jobs as parents. Once we understand and accept this - we will know what to do. Values such as truthfulness, honesty, respecting everyone (and everything), good manners, compassion, gratitude, not to hurt others, being helpful, obedience, disciplined are some of the things.

3. Studies..Help him love to learn. Emphasis on comprehension and writing skills. Understanding concepts. Reading story books or whatever ( i mean whatever) he likes.

4. Activity..Some activity that he loves

5. Miscellaneous : Weekend must be different.

The child must be encouraged to choose but guided all along till he develops reason and worldly wisdom(again farmer and plant example). You have the discrimination, he does not have it yet. Remember how you taught him to walk. A bit of hand holding and a bit of letting him be on his own. This was served with dollops of love and encouragement. You were authentic in the process and hence it was easy for the child. Help him reach that point, when he is wise enough and feels confident of using his will and discrimination. Then he will rise to his full potential.

Some more points...Help him love God. Set personal example. Answer all questions. Be friendly. Teach Love by giving love and showing that this is the most fundamental connection between all of us, encourage him to try more things and allow him to fail more, show him giving is more important than taking - that to go beyond oneself is important, nurture his freedom, his creativity.....etc etc..

If i had to sum him up it up all, it would authentic, set personal examples and be loving - all the time.
