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Finding happiness (Phew!)

Most people are wired to seek status and success, not necessarily happiness. I guess it's always a battle between "Pleasure" (burst of dopamine based happiness) and "Meaning" (long-term peace within). 

The first step is to identify this fight that we constantly have inside our head. It is possible that pleasure completely rules the kingdom of our mind. But the soldiers of "meaning" can be awakened anytime. They never die completely. 

It is important to succeed and become financially independent but can't we see that even after achieving our goals most of us are still miserable. I know of a man who is poorer after he made lots of money. He had a wonderful relationship with money earlier but now he is so possessed by the idea of protecting and growing his pile of money. He is not kind to himself or to others. 

The second step is to wage a war. Daily battles in which we will lose initially but constant "practice" will help us gain more ground. Reflect daily on how you did today and if you gained one more inch of the enemy territory. 

Humans crave for clarity. Certainty. Control. We don't like change. Status quo feels comfortable. So the second step may be hard. You will have to fight against inertia and the voices inside your head will constantly discourage you. 

The third step is to gather some support - good company, a guru or a mentor, partnerships, good books etc. 

Our attention is limited - we forget easily. We can't keep many things inside our heads. Therefore, simplify things,  take one idea at a time and make it part of your consciousness. Then take the next one.
