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Sell me this Pen & some Free advice

If a rookie salesman is asked to sell a pen then most likely he will be aggressive, forceful, and desperate. He will jump on to explaining all the great features of the pen.

A seasoned one will first check if the customer is in the market for a pen. If the answer is negative then the salesperson will not waste his time on this person. You cannot sell something to someone when he/she doesn't need it /want it. 

If the customer is indeed in the market for a pen then a good salesperson will ask a series of questions to understand the exact needs & and pain points of the customer. The selling process will be easy and smooth after this. I am not saying that the sale will close but I am sure that this will build a relationship. Selling is all about people. Caring for them, helping them - genuinely.

Similarly, we should not give unsolicited advice. Our intentions don't matter. If someone is not interested then it's a waste of time and effort. 
