I turned 50 last Sunday and a friend suggested that I should write a post - "50 things I learnt in 50 years of my life". However, we all have a unique outlook on life. And we have our own beliefs and convictions. These are shaped by our experiences. Hence, my ideas may not work for you. Further, it depends on what we'd like to get out of our lives.
I'd therefore share some thoughts on success and happiness - knowing which most other things can be known. These are my life's work and the essence of my life's learning.
1. The first question we should ask ourselves is - Why are we(you) here? What are you living for? I don't think it's a great idea to live our life sub-consciously. Or be excessively influenced by the world around us. Or to live for sense pleasures. I think deep inside we all strive for "Purpose and Meaning". And we'd do ourselves a big favour if we asked ourselves who we are and what we want. You'd be surprised, most people are not clear about either of these. In general, the purpose of life is to be happy. Whatever we seek is ultimately because we think getting that will make us happy. I think we'd do ourselves a huge favor if we asked ourselves, "what are we seeking'?
2. The next BIG thought; which I believe is HUGELY important is - "The Battle IS Always Within". We all have noise in our head. How we deal with that is critical to our happiness and our success. There will always be a good side and a bad side within us. Which thoughts we feed and which side we allow to win shapes us daily. This is our evolution.
What I am sharing next is the pure extract of my thoughts over a lifetime.
3. To achieve success one needs - Clarity, Concentration and Confidence. Knowing what we want (and why), focusing on one thought at a time And believing in ourselves ensures success. All successful people have great concentration and they always believed in themselves. A high level of concentration is the same as 'mindfulness', 'awareness', 'conscious actions'. And believing in oneself also means that these people have a 'Positive' mindset.
Life is simple, we unnecessarily complicate it. Try and see it in a very simple way. All of us have that ability. And finally, the people we surround ourselves with determines what we become.
None of the above thoughts may stick with you just because they resonated. We have to work on some ideas and make them our own. And I can assure you that we all are uniquely capable of doing it.
That's the story of my life so far. What's yours?
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