Last night I had a dream in which I was in a train station in India. This was my destination station and after the train stopped, I and my family started unloading my luggage on the platform. Since, we had some extra luggage, I had to go back in to fetch the balance luggage. While I was inside, I saw from the window that someone on the platform was trying to steal one of my items. I jumped out and followed this guy. By the time I caught hold of this person, I had come quite far. I was in a small shopping area on the station. I have clear recollection of the shops in the area. On my way back, I was a bit lost and couldn't come to the place where I was originally getting off. I had to then ask someone for directions. I navigated per his direction and crossed a small old bridge and then some steps and a heavy door that I had to open to come on platform number 3 where my rain was supposed to be. But, I found out here that the train was on platform number 4. I had to then take an underground path to come on the other side of the train lines. And the dream went on a bit. Every object in this entire period is clearly defined in physical terms. It felt exactly as I'd feel if I was awake and was actually on the station. Nothing was fuzzy or generic.
My question is - Is our world - the reality as we perceive it - a mental construct? And do we all build a unique world based on our consciousness? There is nothing that suggest me otherwise. My consciousness is unique and is different from yours. Whenever there is an overlap of consciousness we see the same thing and feel the objects exactly the same (that's why our cars don't collide). And just as the person who was stealing my luggage does not have a mention in my story after I retrieved my goods, we part ways and continue playing our roles and "perceiving" the world in our unique way. And in the end when we die, our role in this cosmic drama (dream) is over but the drama continues.
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