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The Karma Bank

Do actions performed sub-consciously count? Do they get deposited in our karma bank? No. Sub-conscious actions are based on past tendencies and are habit induced. Hence, these count as neutral actions. We do not move forward (or backward) when we are performing actions absent minded-ly. However, if we are conscious while performing a habitual action then it is counted. Indeed being mindful is blissful.  Being in the moment is supremely important.


When we talk to God, almost always we are asking for something. Make this OK, if only I can get this, help me get that, change this, make that happen etc. The language, tone and the form may vary but our relationship with Him is always of a 'taker'. We are always in a desire fulfillment mode. We have an idea about how our life should unfold in the short and long term and we desperately want that. As if that particular 'outcome'(s) will make us happy. And this method (or idea) of ours never works. It has never worked for anyone, ever. Firstly, God doesn't give you something because you asked for it. Secondly, getting what we asked for will make us temporarily happy and then we will be ready to ask for the next thing.  So what's a better way. I guess - instead of asking try and give your love. Unconditionally. And say - "let it be your will dear Lord". After that just do your part well. However, the following prayer taught by my Guru - Paramhansa Yoganan...

How to develop good habits

 We all have heard about the tribal chief who is telling the story to his people of two dogs that are constantly fighting in his mind, and the one he feeds wins. We are a sum total of our habits. Good habits propel us forward and the bad one pull us back. Surprisingly, we act sub-consciously when we act per our habits. So, how do we change our habits?  It's quite simple. Action is the food for habits. Feed good habits with corresponding actions and refuse to cooperate with bad ones.  This may feel hard in the beginning but efforts will accumulate and it gets easier as we go. Being conscious of our actions (and thoughts) is important. Then comes the will to act. To summarize - Be aware, use your will power to act and have patience. Bonus: Reviewing our day before sleep helps. 

Memory - Let's Simplify

Three things help in better memory: 1. Attention - Are you mindful during reading and listening? If not then it's likely that you may not remember the details. For example, if you are talking while driving then you are likely to miss a turn. Consciousness is where the awareness is.  2. Association - Neurons work on associations. the stronger (and weird) associations we can form the better will be our recall for that data. 3. Sleep - Having 7-8 hours of sleep is essential for goog health and memory. I think this pretty much sums it up.  PS: People complain that they cannot remember names. Imagine, if I asked you to remember someone's name and gave you $ 1 million each time I asked you and you gave me the right answer. Will you ever forget it?

Connected Minds

Imagine this! If we can access the minds of other people through a device. Won't we then experience gratitude and empathy simultaneously? Everyone has a noise in their head. That monologue is loud. We all have unique narratives, struggles, challenges. If we had access to other's mind then we would know their pain and be able to empathize with them. Simultaneously, we will feel grateful for so many things that we have and most other people don't. You don't need a device to actually connect to someone's brain. A bit of imagination helps. If we put in the effort and devote the time to practice the skill of empathy and gratitude, we can get better at it.

Resisting - Change, Outcomes, Behaviors!

 We would like things to happen in a certain way. We try and control behaviors (hugely), we are obsessed with outcomes and we dislike change.  What if we focused on the present, give our 'A' game and merge with the outcomes. And then we take on the next moment. And so on. If this sounds possible then I am happy for you because we improve as a person only when we are focused in the present moment. Call it mindfulness / awareness / being conscious / concentration - it all means the same. What if we flow with things and not resist them. In martial arts one does not stop an opponents blow with brute force. Instead, one is trained to use the opponents force and use it against him (or her). Each person sees the world differently. They have their own narratives and own judgement. No one is right or wrong. We are all unique - with diferent experience, data and goals. Then why should I expect someone to see what I am seeing. I can share my POV when asked and give an advise when someone...

9 years and counting...

 It gives me great pride to share that I have not missed a single day of meditation since last 9 years. God's grace! I meditate twice a day and also do freehand exercises twice daily for 15 minutes. This makes me say that when one is intrinsically motivated he/she can do anything. Step by step we can travel a million miles. 

10/10/10 Rule for decision making

When a decision seems hard, think about how you’ll feel about it in 10 weeks, 10 months, or 10 years from now?  It’s quite likely that you won’t even remember it was a big deal. This can help you put things in perspective.  This hack simplifies decision making and now you can focus on the more important aspect - the action.