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Why do we suffer?

Because we don't understand the nature of life.

We are not the director of this movie. We just have a role to play. And all we need to do is to play our part well.

When we want the life to happen our way and when most of the time it doesn't (obviously) then we feel unhappy. Loss of control makes us suffer. So desires are the root cause.

Further, our ignorance - that we are separate from God - is the deeper reason for our suffering here. We identify ourselves as an individual and see God as something elusive or separate. Our consciousness is limited to the small sphere around our mind. If and when we can expand this consciousness, we will experience greater peace and joy.

Let's come back to the first sentence now and understand the nature of life?
The answer is  - Change is the nature of life.
There will always be ups and downs. Duality is built into this illusive, relative world. When we realize that whatever is happening to us (and others) is as per God's greater plan and that this world is run as per the "Law of Karma" then we are at peace with ourselves. We understand that our job is to do our job well. That we are doing our things without the attachment to the physical world. And we can then be even-minded in good and bad. We are withdrawn, detached and stoic (Nirlipt in Sanskrit). We are active in this world and yet not here. As Paramhansa Yogananda said - "Be calmly active and actively calm"

You will notice many people around us are emotionally stable during turmoils. take sportsmen for example - they stay calm under adversities and many of them are not jumping with joy when they win. We have even-minded people in other walks of life as well - business, teaching, politics, social service etc.
