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Showing posts from September, 2017

Emergency Room - The 4th Quadrant

At work, do you regularly have, "hair on fire situations"? Are you always in a catch-up mode? Is it often that you have an urgent task at hand?  Don't worry! you are not alone. Most professionals, on most of the days, are frantically chasing the next thing? But why can't these smart people learn and find a better way to manage their time? Why do we live lives of physicians in an emergency room?  Please see the picture below: It's a good idea to focus on few important things and stay in quadrant 4. Planning and prioritizing will be essential for this. I use the following spreadsheet to stay in the 4th quadrant. I call it my weighted To-Do list. Items with the highest total will ascend to the top - and must be done first. You will notice the override column. I use this to award extra points to a task that needs to be done first but may not come on top of the list on its own (and vice-versa) How do you stay efficient & productive?


"The good traveler doesn't know where he is going next. The great traveler doesn't know where he came from" - Chuang Tzu. Do you like your travels perfectly planned or do you leave options for adventures? Traveling opens me up in amazing ways. My best thoughts come pouring in when I am on the move. And my best memories are from the unplanned travels.